JMTE Takes Safety Seriously (not just in the roadway) JMTE Helps the City of Sumter, SC Grow with Wayfinding
City of Sumter, South Carolina ‘Seven Swans’ sculpture at Swan Lake Iris Gardens
Swan Lake Iris Gardens, located in Sumter, is open and features a sculpture by an award-winning artist Grainger McKoy. City officials say that the artist created the Seven Swans emerging from the water to represent the days it took God to create the earth.
The sculpture sits 26-feet above the ground with the fountain below it, according to city spokesperson Shelley Kile, and has already become an area attraction.

City of Sumter, South Carolina Wayfinding Development and Implementation

JMTE has been working with the City of Sumter South Carolina since 2017 on the development and implementation of the Sumter Wayfinding Project. A wayfinding project makes it easier for the general public including visitors to find their way around communities by highlighting points of interest, shopping or dining districts, and historic features and entertainment venues. Collaborating with Signs, Etc., JMTE is working to draw attention to the wonderful community of Sumter through the planning and implementation stages. JMTE continues to work with many communities on projects like this in various sizes and stages. Let us know if we can assist your community.
Shout out to an innovative designer!
6-year-old Joe rocks Milwaukee landmark Halloween costumes
Instead of Pokemon or Spiderman, Joe Toman has dressed up for Halloween as the Marquette Interchange, The Hop, The Domes, and MCTS bus driver, and the orange sunburst sculpture- all Milwaukee landmarks!

JMTE Fire Safety |
J.M. Teague Engineering is SERIOUS about SAFETY on roadways and in-house! JMTE has specialized in SAFETY training for thousands of work zone professionals since 2010. Our planning and engineering departments focus on the design and implementation of safety measures for communities with every project as well. On Monday, October 25, 2021, JMTE Staff under the direction of the outstanding Waynesville Fire Department professionals; Captain Mike Lentz, Fire Fighter Engineer Trey Silvers, and Fire Fighter Silas Cooper provided a training session on the use of fire extinguishers in an office environment. Our staff was taught the basic instructions for fire extinguisher use, with hands-on practice. |
Unified Public Engagement - The importance of having the right partners!
Professionally, public engagement is seeking first to understand. Understanding means listening to the boisterous and the quiet. This article describes one of the tools that J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning has available to help you engage and understand the public.
For planners, elected officials, and public engagement practitioners, there is a lot at stake as they work towards engaging the public in a meaningful way for more informed decision-making. There is a growing need for governing bodies to shift away from traditional and fragmented approaches to a more unified approach to public engagement.
JMTE is a Certified Partner with

Open Work Zone Safety Supervisor Class
When: November 18-19, 2021
Where: Hampton Inn
111 Hampton Woods Lane
Raleigh, NC 27607
JMTE has openings for your Work Zone Supervisor Safety training needs. If you would like to attend this class, please contact Mark Blanton our instructor directly at 919-413-4004 or Mark Blanton’s email (link) or